2014 Service Experience Best Practices for Excellent Customer Care

This eLearning course is used by Mercedes-Benz Sales and Service employees to give their customers the best service. The course features horizontal parallax animations to transition between information and large images in sync with voiceover. The animation and transitions are emphasized with the use of a “ribbon” that carries the user through each page.

Photoshop Production / Flash Production

Module 1 Page 1 – Welcome and Introduction

Highlights of this video:
0:00 – Parallax animation with “ribbon” and large images
1:15 – Transition to circle arrow animation to highlight corresponding arrow
1:28 – Transition to text and bullet build

Module 3 Page 1 – What Your Customers Are Saying
This page continues with the horizontal parallax animations with text builds and image insets. The animation of a running line transitions the user from one section of information to another, as well as the subtle movement of the background.

Highlights of this video:
0:00 – Customer testimonial with image subtle movement
0:24 – Transition from customer testimonial to text build with image inset building
1:33 – Transition to full screen parallax image, text build, and image inset
2:20 – Transition to next section with text bullet build
2:36 – Fade out of main image to animate image inset frame for corresponding text